The public is invited to tour the HISTORIC GAINES-OLIPHANT HOUSE, a 2-story, double-pen, hand-hewed log house constructed in 1818. The earliest surviving Pre-Republic, Anglo American structure in Texas ... Sat, Apr 5, 10am-noon, 100 N. Essign Dr./Hwy 21 in Milam. The DRT will also designate it as a historic SRT site
••••••••••••••••• GRAND OPENING •••••••••••••••••
Sat, March 15, 10am-5pm at 1st American Electric and Needham Glass and Mirror, 607 E. Main St in Zavalla ... There will be food, refreshments, prizes & games!
•• NathanBuysHouses.com •• Sell your house, land and commercial property. Serving East Texas since 2005 (call/text) 936.332-4777
•••CELEBRATE RECOVERY••• meets every Tuesday at 6pm at Solid Rock Church, 3497 Hwy 147 in ZAVALLA for everyone with hurts, habits, hang-ups with drug/alcohol abuse, anger, fear, grief, marital problems, overeating, physical/sexual abuse, pornography & more ... We are a safe place for worship & reflection ... Lesson or testimony on principles & steps of recovery
WOODVILLE LIL EAGLES HEAD START/EHS PROGRAM is now accepting applications for the 2024-2025 program year ... We serve low-income families with children up to age 5 FREE of charge to those who qualify. TCCA also has centers in Center, San Augustine, Lufkin, Jasper & Newton. For more details call 409.200-2279
BLUE COLLAR MUTTS RESCUE offers Low-Cost Pet Microchip/Vaccines the 1st Sat of every month at Angelinas County Farmers Mkt on Lufkin SE Loop ... Building a community where people value animals, treating them with kindness
JUMP START YOUR CONSTRUCTION CAREER with LIFE Build Apprenticeship Program! Get NCCER Certifications FREE if you qualify. You MUST be 16+ years of age, know basic math/reading, have valid IS/SSN/birth certificate, US work authorization, 20-30 hours/week availability and be an Angelina County resident. Come by 805 Sayers St. in Lufkin
WORKFORCE SOLUTIONS JOB FAIR: Workforce Solutions Deep East Texas offers job fairs across the 12-county region. In-person & virtual assistance with registering, preparing for, and attending the events available at the 6 workforce centers. Check for events near you www.detwork.org/calendar ... Sign up for Job News by texting DETX to 1.855.502-0026 ... Employers are encouraged to participate in the hiring events by calling 936.639-1351 or visit www.detwork.org
WORKFORCE CENTERS ARE OPEN NOW in Angelina, Houston, Jasper, Nacogdoches, Polk & Shelby Counties ... Specialists area available to help with job rediness, resume assistance, job search, skills training, paid work experience, virtual workshops, support services and more. Call 936.639-1351 or visit our website www.detwork.org
WORKFORCE CENTERS ARE OPEN NOW in Angelina, Houston, Jasper, Nacogdoches, Polk & Shelby Counties ... Specialists area available to help with job rediness, resume assistance, job search, skills training, paid work experience, virtual workshops, support services and more. Call 936.639-1351 or visit our website www.detwork.org
AND CAREER TRAINING for those age 16-24, consider Gary Job Corps
for assistance ... Call admissions counselor Ms. Edens for Angelina County & surrounding counties 936.639-1351, ext 5237 or
(cell) 936.417-3422, Mon-Fri 8am-5pm to schedule appointment
Has CANCER affected you or someone you know? WE CAN HELP! Direct Assistance, Client Navigation, Prevention & Education, Support Groups ... Serving Angelina, Nacogdoches & Polk Counties. Call 936.899-7307 or info@cancerallianceofhope.org or visit our website www.etxcancerallianceofhope.org
those age 16-24, consider Gary Job Corps for assistance ... Call admissions
counselor Ms. Edens for Angelina County & surrounding counties 936.639-1351,
ext 5237 or (cell) 936.417-3422, Mon-Fri 8am-5pm to schedule appointment
The WIOA Program is a federally-funded program designed to minimize the impact of job loss and to create a pathway for job seekers to obtain employment. WIOA Services are FREE and aimed to increase earnings and educational opportunities for adults 18+ and youth 16-24. Contact Shakia Roberts sroberts@detwork.org
•••••• SNIPS ••••••
(Spay Neuter Initiative Pet Society) has available appointments for low-cost cat & dog spay/neuter surgeries ... Call us at 409.384-8251
provides crisis advocacy to victims family violence. Serving Angelina, Houston, Nacogdoches,
Polk, Sabine, San Augustine, Shelby & Trinity counties. Toll-Free Crisis Hotline 1-800-828-SAFE