Garage Sales

Center Antiques Ad Nathan Buys Houses Ad

THE PROMISED LAND THRIFTY RESALE SHOP: 12379 Hwy 190 E of Woodville ... Donated ANTIQUES and everything else you can imagine. Proceeds benefit the Restorative Justice Ministry Family Service Center (RJMFSC) and it’s components

•••••••••• NOW OPEN •••••••••• Z.A.M. RESALE IN ZAVALLA, 1043 Main St in Zavalla. All non-profit proceeds go to help those less fortunate in our community

HUNTINGTON MULTI-FAMILY INSIDESALE:Fri & Sat, March 14-15, 8am-5pm at 15389 US Hwy 69 S (5 miles S of Huntington to church on left). Antiques, furniture, kitchenware, more!

•••• HERITAGE ANTIQUES •••• VINTAGE VIBE FLEA MARKET: Sat, April 26 at the corner of First St. & Burke St. in Downtown Lufkin. As part of Lufkin Antiques Weekend, several other shops will have sales & events including A Furniture Fetish, Hicks Antiques, Wishing Well & Amazing Grace Antiques. Come on Downtown for a day of fun, rummaging, shopping & visiting from 9am until at least 3pm

HUDSON 2-FAMILY BACKYARD CLEANOUT SALE: Fri & Sat, March 14-15, 7am-4pm at 4217 Ted Trout Dr. (Hwy 94, 2½ miles outside Lufkin W. Loop on left). Clothes, housewares, more!

•••••• EPIC ESTATE SALE •••••• Thur-Fri-Sat, March 13-15, 8am-2pm at 1021 McGregor Dr. (across from Trout School) in Lufkin ... 4-BR home absolutely packed with items from the last 80 years!! Furniutre, Vintage Toys, Glassware, Bakeware, Fabric & Sewing Supplies, Electronics, Knives, Ammo, Gold, Silver, Coins, Jewelry, Kimball Piano, Arrowheads, Clothes, Electric Scooter, TONS of seasonal Dècor, Vintage Christmas Dècor, Dishes, Vintage Boy Scout Memorabilia, Large Stamp Collection, Kirby Vacuum, Tupperware, Vintage Lionel Train Set and so much more! Most items 25% off on Friday & 50% ofgf on Saturday

LUFKIN SALE: Every Thur-Fri-Sat-Sun, 8am-3pm at 1038 Golf Course Road (off Hwy 103 E of Lufkin Loop). Variety! All proceeds go to feed stray neighborhood animals

LUFKIN MULTI-FAMILY PARKING LOT SALE: Fri & Sat, March 14-15, 8am-4pm at 1701 E. Denman Ave (just inside Lufkin SE Loop across from church). All-size baby-adult clothes, toys, furniture, household items, more!

LUFKIN 5-FAMILY SALE: Fri & Sat, March 14-15, 8am-?? at 1410 Clinton (off Atkinson) in Lufkin. Furniture, shoes, household items, much more!

•• •• Sell your house, land and commercial property. Serving East Texas since 2005 (call/text) 936.332-4777

•••••••• EASTEX COINS •••••••• will buy your silver & gold coins or bullion. Nice stuff or junk, we don’t care. Cash paid immediately. We will give you a fair price for your stuff! Call EASTEX, where COINS EQUAL CASH!!! (cell) 936.674-9814

The East Texas Peddler deadline for posting garage sales is EVERY MONDAY BY 10:00 AM!

Garage Sales Posted After The Deadline

LUFKIN SALE: Fri & Sat, March 14-15, 7am-?? at 3619 Hwy 69 N (69 N towards Tyler, across from Central bank). Women’s clothes, men’s suits, sewing machine, hospital bed.