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Help Wanted Ads

HELP WANTED: need log truck driver w/3 years of log truck driving experience, clean driving record ... Drug test (in Lufkin) 936.676-6856

HELP WANTED: need someone to haul off old fencing (cell) 936.465-1766

HELP WANTED: need someone to dig 6’x5’ hole in Etoile (cell) 936.645-5642

HELP WANTED: need part-time help at Williams Remodeling in Lufkin 936.875-3066, no texts

HELP WANTED: need male companion/buddy for my father (74, widowed, smoker, ex oilfield worker, suffers from multiple sclerosis, uses portable wheelchair for long distances, loves casinos, fishing and reminissing about the old days) in Hemphill area (cell) 936.201-6854

HELP WANTED: need someone to do home repairs & roofing in Nacogdoches area (cell) 936.715-7159

HELP WANTED: Conn’s Pest Control needs technician w/own transportation in Hemphill. No experience required (cell) 409.787-3156

HELP NEEDED: need someone to do upholstery work on gym equipment in Woodville (cell) 936.707-2387 or 409.402-5222

HELP WANTED: need experienced framing carpenter for remodeling in Etoile area 936.560-9793