Legal Notices - January 15, 2025

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NOTICE TO CREDITORS: Notice is hereby given that original Letters Testamentary for the ESTATE OF HERMAN RAY DOMINEY, DECEASED, were issued on September 24, 2024, in Cause No. 152-24-PR, pending in the County Court-At-Law No: One, Angelina County, Texas, to: Melissa Holcombe. All persons having claims against this Estate which is currently being administered are required to present them to the undersigned within the time and in the manner prescribed by law. c/o: Melissa Holcombe, 174 Horseshoe Loop, Huntington, Texas 75949. DATED the 18th day of December, 2024. Derek C. Flournoy, Attorney for Melissa Holcombe, State Bar No.: 00793738. 118 South Second Street, Lufkin, Tx 75902. Telephone: 936.639-5585 Facsimile: 936.634-3190 Email:

TO HEIRS AND/OR UNKNOWN HEIRS: IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF TYLER MAE BOOKMAN, DECEASED. On January 6, 2025, Vell Ann Bookman and Barbara Harrell, filed under Cause No. 25-CC-PB-002, in the County Court of Polk County, Texas APPLICATION TO DETERMINE HEIRSHIP in the estate of: Tyler Mae Bookman, Deceased. Said application will be heard and acted on by said Court at 10 o’clock A.M. on the first Monday next after ten days exclusive of the date of publication from the date this citation is published or at such Polk County Courthouse, Livingston, Texas. All persons interested in said estate are commanded to appear at or before the time set for the hearing by filing a written contest or answer to the application should they desire to oppose or contest it. The written contest or answer should be filed in the office of the County Clerk of Polk County, Texas, in Livingston, Texas. The officer serving this citation shall, in compliance with the law, serve it by publication once in a newspaper of general circulation in this county which is the county which the proceeding is pending, for not less than ten days before the return date of this citation, exclusive of the date of publication. The date of publication that the newspaper bears will be the date of publication.

If this citation is not served within 90 days after the date of issuance, it shall be returned. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND THE SEAL OF SAID COURT in Livingston, Polk County, Texas, on this the 7th day of January, 2025. Honorable SCHELLANA HOCK, Clerk County Court at Law, Polk County, Texas by Paula Rinehart, Deputy

THE STATE OF TEXAS TO THE FOLLOWING: KNOWN/UNKNOWN HEIRS OF DUSTIN LEE BLALOCK, DECEASED. YOU ARE HEREBY COMMANDED TO APPEAR AND ANSWER HEREIN at or before 10 o’clock a.m. of the first Monday after the expiration of ten days from the date of issuance of this citation. Your answer is due no later than 10 o’clock a.m. on Monday, following the expiration of the ten days from the date of issuance of this citation. You may employ an attorney. Your answer must be filed at the office of the Clerk of Angelina County, Texas. The suit is numbered 225-24-PR and is styled “In the Estate of Dustin Lee Blalock, deceased.” The Application for Letters of Administration, Amended Application for Letters of Administration, Application to Determine Heirship, and Amended Application to Determine Heirship in this cause was filed on November 13, 2024, and November 26, 2024, in the County Court at Law Number One of Angelina County, Texas. ISSUED AND GIVEN under my hand and seal of office on January 8th, 2025, at said Court at Lufkin, Angelina County, Texas. Amy Fisher Clerk of County, Angelina County, Texas by Maria Solis

CITATION BY PUBLICATION. THE STATE OF TEXAS To the Unknown Heirs of LYLE KENT SCHWARTZ, DECEASED. On JULY 05, 2024, Tammy Schwartz filed an APPLICATION FOR PROBATE OF WILL AND FOR LETTERS TESTAMENTARY in Cause No. 137-24-PR, In the Estate of Lyle Kent Schwartz, County Court at Law #2 in Angelina County, Texas. Said application may be heard and acted on by said court no sooner than 10:00 o’clock a.m. on the first Monday next after the expiration of ten (10) days from the date of publication of this citation, the same being Monday, January 27, 2025. All persons interested in the above-mentioned Independent Administration are hereby cited to appear by filing a written answer contesting such application should they desire to do so. To ensure consideration, any contest, answer, or other response must be filed with the Angelina County Clerk on or before the above noted date. Given under my hand and seal of said office in Lufkin, Texas, on this the 16th day of December, 2024. Amy Fincher, County Clerk Angelina County, Texas by Monica Ojeda

JONATHON LEE GREEN Plaintiff, V. BURNIS S. HUDDLESTON, DECEASED and CLARA ADA BELLE BIGBY HUDDLESTON, DECEASED and BURNIE HUDDLESTON Defendants. IN THE DISTRICT COURT 159th JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF ANGELINA COUNTY, TEXAS. CITATION BY PUBLICATION: STATE OF TEXAS, COUNTY OF ANGELINA. Notice is hereby given as follows to: DEFENDANT: Burnie Forrest Huddleston And the heirs of Burnie Forrest Huddleston if living, and if the above named Defendant be dead, the unknown heirs of said named person who may be dead; and the unknown heirs of the unknown heirs of said above named person; and the unknown owner or owners of the described property; and the executors, administrators, guardians, legal representatives, legatees, devises of the above named person, and who own or claim some interest in the described property and any and all other persons, including adverse claimants, owning or having any legal or equitable interest in or lien upon the following described property. PROPERTY: TRACT ONE: Being Lot No. Fifteen (15) in Block No. Four (4) of the PHILLIPS SUBDIVISION in Angelina County, Texas, according to and as shown in the official map or plat of said Subdivision of record in Volume 5, Page 6, Map and Plat Records, Angelina County, Texas. TRACT TWO: BEING Lot No. sixteen (16) in Block No. Four (4) of the PHILLIPS SUBDIVISION in Angelina County, Texas, according to and as shown in the official map or plat of said Subdivision of record in Volume 5, Page 6, Map and Plat Records, Angelina County, You are hereby notified that suit has been brought by Jonathon Lee Green, as Plaintiff, against the above-named persons as Defendants, by Plaintiff’s Second Amended Original Petition filed on the 24th day of July 2024, in a certain suit styled Jonathon Lee Green v. Burnis S. Huddleston, Deceased and Clara Ada Belle Bigby Huddleston., Deceased and Burnie Huddleston which includes the heirs and assigns of each of the above named Defendants. You are hereby commanded to appear and defend such suit on the first Monday after the expiration of forty-two (42) days from and after the date of issuance hereof, the same being the 13th day of February, 2025 (which is the return day of such citation), before the Honorable District Court of Angelina County, Texas, to be held at the Courthouse thereof, then and there to show cause why judgement shall not be rendered. Issued and given under my hand and seal of said Court in the City of Lufkin, Angelina County, Texas, this 30th day of December, 2024. s/MEAGAN MOORE-DISTRICT CLERK, Clerk of the District Court Angelina County, Texas /s/ Raeanne Kent, Judicial District Deputy SIGN/SEAL ONLY

JONATHON LEE GREEN Plaintiff, V. BURNIS S. HUDDLESTON, DECEASED and CLARA ADA BELLE BIGBY HUDDLESTON, DECEASED and BURNIE HUDDLESTON Defendants. IN THE DISTRICT COURT 159th JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF ANGELINA COUNTY, TEXAS. CITATION BY PUBLICATION: STATE OF TEXAS, COUNTY OF ANGELINA. Notice is hereby given as follows to: DEFENDANT: Burnis S. Huddleston And the heirs of Burnis S. Huddleston if living, and if the above named Defendant be dead, the unknown heirs of said named person who may be dead; and the unknown heirs of the unknown heirs of said above named person; and the unknown owner or owners of the described property; and the executors, administrators, guardians, legal representatives, legatees, devises of the above named person, and who own or claim some interest in the described property and any and all other persons, including adverse claimants, owning or having any legal or equitable interest in or lien upon the following described property. PROPERTY: TRACT ONE: Being Lot No. Fifteen (15) in Block No. Four (4) of the PHILLIPS SUBDIVISION in Angelina County, Texas, according to and as shown in the official map or plat of said Subdivision of record in Volume 5, Page 6, Map and Plat Records, Angelina County, Texas. TRACT TWO: BEING Lot No. sixteen (16) in Block No. Four (4) of the PHILLIPS SUBDIVISION in Angelina County, Texas, according to and as shown in the official map or plat of said Subdivision of record in Volume 5, Page 6, Map and Plat Records, Angelina County, You are hereby notified that suit has been brought by Jonathon Lee Green, as Plaintiff, against the above-named persons as Defendants, by Plaintiff’s Second Amended Original Petition filed on the 24th day of July 2024, in a certain suit styled Jonathon Lee Green v. Burnis S. Huddleston, Deceased and Clara Ada Belle Bigby Huddleston., Deceased and Burnie Huddleston which includes the heirs and assigns of each of the above named Defendants. You are hereby commanded to appear and defend such suit on the first Monday after the expiration of forty-two (42) days from and after the date of issuance hereof, the same being the 13th day of February, 2025 (which is the return day of such citation), before the Honorable District Court of Angelina County, Texas, to be held at the Courthouse thereof, then and there to show cause why judgement shall not be rendered. Issued and given under my hand and seal of said Court in the City of Lufkin, Angelina County, Texas, this 30th day of December, 2024. s/MEAGAN MOORE-DISTRICT CLERK, Clerk of the District Court Angelina County, Texas /s/ Raeanne Kent, Judicial District Deputy SIGN/SEAL ONLY

JONATHON LEE GREEN Plaintiff, V. BURNIS S. HUDDLESTON, DECEASED and CLARA ADA BELLE BIGBY HUDDLESTON, DECEASED and BURNIE HUDDLESTON Defendants. IN THE DISTRICT COURT 159th JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF ANGELINA COUNTY, TEXAS. CITATION BY PUBLICATION: STATE OF TEXAS, COUNTY OF ANGELINA. Notice is hereby given as follows to: DEFENDANT: Clara Ada Belle Bigby Huddleston And the heirs of Clara Ada Belle Bigby Huddleston if living, and if the above named Defendant be dead, the unknown heirs of said named person who may be dead; and the unknown heirs of the unknown heirs of said above named person; and the unknown owner or owners of the described property; and the executors, administrators, guardians, legal representatives, legatees, devises of the above named person, and who own or claim some interest in the described property and any and all other persons, including adverse claimants, owning or having any legal or equitable interest in or lien upon the following described property. PROPERTY: TRACT ONE: Being Lot No. Fifteen (15) in Block No. Four (4) of the PHILLIPS SUBDIVISION in Angelina County, Texas, according to and as shown in the official map or plat of said Subdivision of record in Volume 5, Page 6, Map and Plat Records, Angelina County, Texas. TRACT TWO: BEING Lot No. sixteen (16) in Block No. Four (4) of the PHILLIPS SUBDIVISION in Angelina County, Texas, according to and as shown in the official map or plat of said Subdivision of record in Volume 5, Page 6, Map and Plat Records, Angelina County, You are hereby notified that suit has been brought by Jonathon Lee Green, as Plaintiff, against the above-named persons as Defendants, by Plaintiff’s Second Amended Original Petition filed on the 24th day of July 2024, in a certain suit styled Jonathon Lee Green v. Burnis S. Huddleston, Deceased and Clara Ada Belle Bigby Huddleston., Deceased and Burnie Huddleston which includes the heirs and assigns of each of the above named Defendants. You are hereby commanded to appear and defend such suit on the first Monday after the expiration of forty-two (42) days from and after the date of issuance hereof, the same being the 13th day of February, 2025 (which is the return day of such citation), before the Honorable District Court of Angelina County, Texas, to be held at the Courthouse thereof, then and there to show cause why judgement shall not be rendered. Issued and given under my hand and seal of said Court in the City of Lufkin, Angelina County, Texas, this 30th day of December, 2024. s/MEAGAN MOORE-DISTRICT CLERK, Clerk of the District Court Angelina County, Texas /s/ Raeanne Kent, Judicial District Deputy SIGN/SEAL ONLY

THE STATE OF TEXAS To: GLADYS RAY, MAE JESSIE HARRINGTON, ARTHUR RAYBOWIE, JOHNNIE HADNOT, ROBIE LEE YOUNG, AND L. C. BOWIE AND THEIR UNKNOWN HEIRS. Defendant, Greetings: You are hereby commanded to appear by filing a written answer to the Plaintiff’s Petition at or before ten o’clock a.m. of the first Monday after the expiration of twenty (20) days after you were served this Citation, before the Honorable District Court of Jasper County, at the Courthouse of said County in Jasper, Texas. YOU HAVE BEEN SUED. You may employ an attorney. If you or your attorney does not file a written answer with the Clerk who is issued this citation by 10:00 a.m. on the Monday above specified, a Default Judgment may be taken against you. Said Petition was filed in said court, on the 3rd day of JANUARY 2025, in this cause, number 41,549 on the docket of said Court, and styled. MARY CAROL PACE, RT AL. VS GLADYS RAY, MAE JESSIE HARRINGTON, ARTHUR RAYBOWIE, JOHNNIE HADNOT ROBIE LEE YOUNG, AND L.C. BOWIE AND THEIR UNKNOWN HEIRS. A brief statement of the nature of this suit is as follows, to wit: SUIT FOR REAL PROPERTY as is more fully shown by said Petition on file in this suit and by the following description: TRACT 1: BEING 28 acres, more or less, out of Abstract 175, T.C. Hennington Survey, Jasper County, Texas, and being the same tract of land as described in Exhibit “F, Tract Two” in the Warranty Deed from Juanita W. Martindale, Trustee to Janie Martindale Pace dated June 18, 2001, recorded in Vol. 601, Page 696, Deed Records of Jasper County, Texas. TRACT 2: BRING 33.00 acres, more or less, out of Abstract 175, T-E. Hennington Survey, Jasper County, Texas, and being the same tract of land as described in Exhibit “F, Tract Two” in the Warranty Deed from Juanita W. Martindale, Trustee to Janie Martindale Pace dated June 18, 2001, recorded in Vol. 601, Page 696, Deed Records of Jasper County, Texas. Issued and given under my hand and the Seal of said Court, at office in Jasper, Texas, this the 3rd day of January A.D., 2025. Attest: Rosa Norsworthy, District Clerk District Court, Jasper County, Texas /s/ Brandy Gulley. Brandy Gulley, Deputy

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