Nathan Buys Houses Ad

Other Animals

Friendly 10-year male Pony, leads well $700. (in Lufkin) (cell) 936.229-7596

5-mo white Parakeets w/blue markings, large bird cage, all accessories, toys & remaining food $100. (in Jasper) (text/call) 409.698-4219

3-year mini Hereford Bull & 2 reg. Cows (proven breeders) $4,000./all (in Apple Springs) (text/call) 936.675-3200

Calif white Rabbits (in Reklaw) 936.369-4240, no texts

100- to 250-lb gilt & boar Kune Kune Pigs, sell or may trade for poultry 936.635-1582

Rooter Piglets $20. each • double Subwoofer Box w/15” speakers $300. (cell) 936.208-0613

3 baby Cockatiels $125. each (text/call) 936.645-1037

ADGA buck & doe Nubian bottle-fed Goatlings (text/call) 936.707-5034

Friendly non-reg. Nubian Bucklings (disbudded, ready March ‘25) (text/call) 936.707-7564

1- to 7-year doe Goats (exposed to LaMancha buck) (in Warren area) (text/call) 928.607-3606

2 Quaker Parrots $600./both (cell) 936.414-0117

Pot-belly Piglets $60. (in Colmesneil) (cell) 936.672-0389

Mini Juliana Piglets (will be small) $150. each (in Etoile) (text/call) 936.707-2057

Pre-Order 5-frame Spring HONEY BEE NUCS $195. each. Pickup in Groveton when nucs are mature, sometime between mid April and early May ... 1-5 honey bee nucs $195. each, 6-10 honey bee nucs $165. each, $50 non-refundable deposit ... Call/text Jody Wallace (cell) 918.576-1859 or email

Fertile chicken Eggs $10./dz • 3 Easter Egger Roosters $30. each (in Huntington) (text/call) 936.414-6612

Baby Parakeets $20. each (in Lufkin) (text) 936.208-0990

Boar & gilt pot-belly Pigs (some castrated) $25. each (text) 936.225-8189

Straight run Olive Egger straight-run Chicks $8.-up each (in Hudson) (text) 936.229-1203

3-year Kiko nanny Goat $175. & full-blood twin buckling & doeling Goats $75. each (in Apple Springs area) (cell) 936.276-1452

FREE: white Silky Roosters (cell) 936.200-8204

16-mo Black Angus Bull $1,700. • Pole Saw (in Colmesneil) 409.363-3941, no texts

10-week Hampshire-cross Piglets $60. each (in Kirbyville) (text/call) 409.224-6556

5 young Khaki Campbell Drakes $15. each (or $50./all) (in Corrigan) (cell) 936.200-4038

Silked Easter Egger & 6 Zombie Chicks & $3.50. each (or $20./all) (in Lufkin) (cell) 936.635-0450

Male & female Quaker Parrots (breeders) $350. each (or $600./both) (cell) 936.414-0117

WANT TO BUY: 1 or 2 Heifer Cows (in Jasper) 409.383-7933

Male white & female Sugar Gliders w/baby, 22”x22”x32” cage, 16”-tall roll-around stand, food $500./all (or will sell separately) (in Lufkin) (cell) 936.219-4790

29 Easter Egger Pullets w/3 young roos $16. each (or $512./all) (in Colmesneil) (cell) 409.509-1948