Nathan Buys Houses Ad

Other Animals

3 pygmy Goats $400./all (in Jasper) (text) 409.207-3609, leave message

18-mo Kune Kune Boar & two 12-mo Kune Kune Gilts $100. each (or $250./all) (in Apple Springs) (text/call) 540.840-6782

Kune Kune Piglets • free: Roosters (cell) 936.404-5796

Chickens • Quail (in Kountze) (cell) 409.454-3903

Nigerian nanny Goat $125. (in Silsbee) (text/call) 409.377-5903 after 3pm

•• •• Sell your house, land and commercial property. Serving East Texas since 2005 (call/text) 936.332-4777

Large-breed kid Goats $100.-$150. (cell) 409.509-1948

4 Sebright Roosters $10. each (text) 936.675-0765

Doe & kid Goats $125.-$200. • 1-year LaMancha buck Goat (in Warren) (cell) 928.607-3606

2 female Rats w/food, cage, bedding • female Dwarf Hamster w/food, cage • female Guinea Pig (cell) 936.422-3309 or 936.240-6467

2- & 3-day old bottle-fed Nubian Kids $100. each (text/call) 936.707-5033

WANT TO BUY: Horse (in Zavalla) 936.212-0452, no texts

Sweet female Ferret (“Stella”) 936.299-1251

WANT TO BUY: 4-mo to 18-mo Pullets/Laying Hens in Lufkin/Diboll area (cell) 936.465-8833

2 nanny Goats (1 in milk) $150./both • 2 bred Ewes $150./both (in Huntington) (text/call) 832.562-8797

Silver Rooster $10. • Border Collie/Heeler-mix Pups $75. each • mini Heeler Dog $50. (in Nacogdoches) (text/call) 509.830-9250

Sheep (in Center) (cell) 936.332-6262

6-year 15-hand gaited Saddle Horse Gelding $2,500. • 9-year 14-hand John Mule (rides) $3,200. (in Coushatta) (text) 318.471-7300

FREE: 2 pot-belly Pigs (in Corrigan) (cell) 936.223-7175

1-year pygmy Goat w/blue eyes (in Lufkin) (cell) 936.371-6093

7-mo LaMancha/Nubian-cross Buckling $100. (cell) 936.615-2886

Pygmy nanny Goats $100. each • young pygmy buck Goats $50. each (cell) 936.676-3662

18-mo Nigerian Dwarf buck Goat $150. (cell) 936.635-3975

Rabbits w/litter $20. each • 8- to 10-compartment Laying Nest Boxes $45. each • free: barn cats (in Huntington) (cell) 936.366-1922

Free-range Eggs $3./dz • baby Chicks $4. each • fertile chicken Eggs $10./dz • 3 Easter Egger Roosters $30. each (in Huntington) (text/call) 936.414-6612