Other Animals
3-year Laying Hens $5. each (cell) 936.676-9120
Gentle 6-mo LaMancha buck Goat $200. (in Warren) (text only) 928.607-3606
2-year male & female white/gray Sugar Gliders $400./both (or w/21”x21”x36” cage, food $500.) • large lighted Entertainment Cabinet (holds up to 42“ TV) w/2 end pieces, glass doors (cell) 936.219-4790
8 gentle spotted boar & sow Berkshire Meat Hogs $25. each (or $125./all )• 4 mini pot-belly Piglets (weaned) $25. each (or $60./all) (in Huntington) (text/call) 936.404-6006
Bearded Dragon $50. • free: Cocker Spaniel/Poodle-mix Pup (not good w/chickens/ducks) (in Pollok) (cell) 936.208-0259
WANT TO BUY: pure-bred Game Hens in Tyler Co. (cell) 409.377-5570
5-year Saanen nanny Goat $350. • Black Polish Rooster $10. (in Nacogdoches) (text/call) 509.830-9250
Gentle reg. 8-mo polled Hereford Bulls & Heifers (in Newton) 409.379-8325 or (text/call) 409.384-0837
Hand-fed baby Cockateils $125. each (text/call) 936.645-1037
Guineas $10. each (in Hudson) (cell) 936.240-0721
Red Eared Slider Turtles (in Nacogdoches) (cell) 936.585-0381
WANT TO BUY: Bantam Chickens (in Lufkin) (cell) 936.676-3805, leave message
4 nanny Goats (in Pollok) (cell) 936.299-9328
3 young healthy male & female Zebra Finches (laying soon, no cage) $25./all (in Huntington) (cell) 936.404-6006
Reg. 4-week Berkshire/Hereford-cross Piglets $100. each (cell) 409.289-6934
Gentle 8-week Calif Rabbits $20. each (in Grapeland) (cell) 903.922-7546
Large bird Cages $50. each (in Buna) (text/call) 409.489-5782
Quail & Chickens (in Kountze) (text/call) 409.454-3903
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